Student Ambassadors

Nature Positive Student Ambassador Programme


Sign ups for the 2024/25 Nature Positive Student Ambassador Programme are now closed.

Sign ups will reopen for the 2025/26 Nature Positive Student Ambassador Programme in August 2025.

We invite students from universities, colleges and higher education institutions to join our international network to link up with students around the world wanting to make changes for nature on their campus and at their institutions and start a Nature Positive journey with us. Alternatively there are many ways to work directly with your institution to take action for nature.

We can provide an activities toolkit and we would love you to share your actions for nature on social media with the #GenerationRestoration. You can also join our friendly WhatsApp Community and monthly Zoom workshops to get inspired and support each other.

If you are a member of staff and would like to discuss opportunities to engage your students, then please get in contact with us


Join #GenerationRestoration

What we offer

  • Experience volunteering with mentors at University of Oxford
  • A chance to make a difference on your campus
  • Inspiration and networking with a community of likeminded individuals
  • Resources and training from peers to help you organise events and activities
  • A certificate documenting your role with us
  • A chance to use your particular skills and interests, such as social media, communications, design, organising events, translation and biological identification and survey techniques
  • Flexibility to work around your time and commitments

What we ask of you

  • Attend (or watch back) all of the 6 video workshops with other Student Ambassadors to share nature related news and activities from your campus over the course of the academic year
  • Commit to volunteering with us approx 1-2 hours a week for the duration of the programme, for November 2024 to May 2025
  • Complete and submit the NPU Student workbook by July 2025
  • Organise one or more activities on campus per theme, from the toolkits
  • Behave in a respectful and considerate manner towards fellow Student Ambassadors, NPU staff and guest speakers
  • Treat others equitably and work to create an inclusive environment in which everyone is safe to speak up and share their perspective
  • Stay in touch with us to let us know any queries and if you are unable to continue volunteering


Suggested Actions

  • Check out our Student Toolkit of actions
  • Join or set up a nature group
  • Campaign to get your university to make the Nature Positive Pledge
  • Help us develop Nature Positive campaign materials
  • Record and log biodiversity on your campus by joining or organising a Bioblitz
  • Help write a biodiversity action plan for your campus
  • Choose a nature positive dissertation or essay topic
  • Help clean up your campus or local community by organising a community litter pick event
  • Volunteer for nature restoration
  • Organise a talk or film-showing that promotes awareness and action for nature


Meet our Ambassadors!

Find out where our Ambassadors are from:


The dots ringed with orange show where our initial cohort of Ambassadors are located. Please contact us to be connected with other members of your institution including staff members who have joined our network and expressed an interest to work towards Nature Positive.
