Student Ambassador resources

Resources to help you on your Nature Positive mission!

Our Student Ambassador Team have been hard at work developing a Welcome Pack, Toolkits of campus-based actions and accompanying Workbook Forms to record your progress during your journey. You will also find social media resources and other information to inspire action for biodiversity on your campus and within your community, wherever you are.

Welcome to the Student Ambassador programme!

We’re excited to have you on board and we would like to share with you resources to support you during the programme. The first thing to do is download or read our Welcome Pack – this is an introduction to the Student Ambassador Programme, providing general information about your role as an ambassador and about the Nature Positive Universities (NPU) initiative. Click the button below to download:


Workshop 1: Nature Positive (22nd November 2024)

Toolkit 1: Nature Positive – this document accompanies Workshop 1 and contains information about the specific topic as well as outlining the suggested actions to take following the workshop.
Workbook Form 1 – This is a Google form where you can briefly record your activities (or planned activities) associated with Workshop and Toolkit 1.

We ask that you complete this form before the next meeting on 31st January 2025.

Student Action booklet: One of our previous student ambassadors, Ramandeep has written a great guide to share her experience of setting up a nature society at her institution.

Click the links to download the document, which is available in Arabic, English, Portuguese and Spanish.

Workshop 2: Biodiversity Baselines (31st January 2025)

Toolkit 2: Biodiversity Baselines – this document accompanies Workshop 2 and contains information about the specific topic as well as outlining the suggested actions to take following the workshop.
Workbook Form 2 – This is a Google form where you can briefly record your activities (or planned activities) associated with Workshop and Toolkit 2.

We ask that you complete this form before the next meeting on 28th February 2025.

Biodiversity Baselines – a short primer: Click the link to download the document in English or in Spanish.

This document accompanies the Biodiversity Baselines Film (available to watch in English and in Spanish).

Workshop 3: Biodiversity actions on campus (28th February 2025)

Toolkit 3: Biodiversity actions on campus – this document accompanies Workshop 3 and contains information about the specific topic as well as outlining the suggested actions to take following the workshop.

Workbook Form 3 – This is a Google form where you can briefly record your activities (or planned activities) associated with Workshop and Toolkit 3.

We ask that you complete this form before the next meeting on 28th March 2025.

Action 1: Template – taken from Action 1 in Toolkit 3, this is a copy of the table that can be used as a guide to help consider a range of actions that could be taken at your university at different steps of the Conservation Hierarchy.

Social media graphics

Many of you have social media accounts, such as Instagram, LinkedIn and X. We have created a frame which you can use to promote your activities as a Student Ambassador. Please use the #GenerationRestoration to link up with our partners at the UN Decade on Ecosystem Restoration and remember to tag us in your posts.

Here is some suggested text that you might want to use in your post (but of course feel free to add your own thoughts too):

“I am excited to announce that I’ve been selected as a Student Ambassador with Nature Positive Universities! This programme empowers students from higher education institutions with the practical knowledge to tackle activities driving the loss of biodiversity in their university and campus and I’m thrilled to join this inspiring network. #generationrestoration #naturepositive”

If you shared your Nature Positive Student Ambassador Social Media Frame with us, to be featured on our website, then we will be uploading these shortly.

NPU Student Ambassadors’ iNaturalist group

iNaturalist is a free app and website that allows you to identify and record species you see around you, using pictures taken on your phone or camera. Once uploaded, they are identified by the app and verified by members of the community. This approach is known as citizen science.

Once you’ve registered on iNaturalist you can also join the NPU Student Ambassador iNaturalist group. You can then record wild flora and fauna anywhere you are for this group – it does not only have to be on campus! You will be able to see the observations of members of our community from all over the world.

Celebrate International Days

International Days can be a great opportunity to highlight some of your recent actions or raise awareness on a particular issue. One of our Ambassadors, Favour Ochuwa from University of Benin Nigeria has developed a range of social media cards for you to use to celebrate days relevant to our programme.

Feel free to use these, and add your own photos, words, and stories to your posts on social media to encourage others to take action on the issue.

Join the community

We have a monthly video meeting schedule to catch up with your fellow Ambassadors with discussions on different topics, such as wildlife recording, waste, sustainable food and volunteering for ecological restoration.

Previous meetings:

  • Kick-off meeting (Workshop 1): 22nd November 2024, 12 noon UK time (recording is available above)
  • Workshop 2 – Biodiversity Baselines: 31st January 2025, 12 noon UK time (recording is available above)
  • February 28th – Biodiversity actions on campus: 28th February 2025, 9am UK time (recording is available above)

Upcoming meetings:

  • March 28th: Food
  • April 25th: Waste and resource use
  • May 30th: Advocacy & community engagement

We will be announcing the workshop times and registration details of these meetings shortly.

Join our friendly WhatsApp chat group to hear the latest activities of the team. You should have received a link via email.

Need anything else, want to add your resources to help others? We would love to work with you, just drop us a line.
